
希望在「全職住家男」(“StayHome Hubbby”) 抒發一下情感,有時興致到,對於一些生活上或搵食上的事宜,發表一下睇法。歡迎大家交流一下意見。


小時候如果從長輩口中聽到某某是“住家男”,一定會說那個某某是沒有出息、不事生產的人。但隨着時代變遷,現在是人人都說要平等的年代,在家工作已不是女士們的尊利, 男士也大有人在。而”住家男”的定義已經變成除了要在家裏工作,還要負上照顧屋企的責任。所以他們往往是能人所不能。

這是本鳳初第一次與兩位志同道合的現代”住家男”一起在這裏出現,希望透過這個平台與其他“住家男”和準“住家男”一起分享生活點滴。讓大家在等待干衣或接放學時有一些生活調劑。 當然也歡迎其他聲音一起分享和討論,讓大家透過這個平台獲得一點點的快樂。

鳳初__小編 (共同小創始人)

Never think lightly of a “Stay Home” Husband. Being one isn’t about staying at home being lazy. Rather, we take on the roles of home supply purchaser and logistician, cleaning and maintenance technician, house atmospheric controller, chef (optional to us but preferable to your spouse), and THE point person for pretty much anything. Simply put, you are an all-encompassing one-man household consultant. Sounds like one tough bastard~

And myself? Oh I’m just trying to get by without my boss giving me an earful for any mishaps. Oh don’t get me wrong. My wife is a wonderful person, but sometimes, even if you know your other half is through some tough moments, but when she unleashes on you, it is no easy thing to swallow. If you ever get one of those moments, I believe I can confidently say “I know what you mean”.

Mr. S__Contributor(Cofounder)